Suheil J. Muasher, MD, Distinguished Service Award
This award is intended to recognize and honor individuals or organizations that have provided distinguished service to ASRM. Nominees may be either ASRM members or non-ASRM members. The recipient or recipients will be selected based on scientific, leadership, organizational, political, or societal service contributions to ASRM, reproductive medicine, and/or reproductive medicine patients. Previous nominees will be considered.
Nominations must include:
- A letter of nomination
- A summary of the nominee’s contributions to the field of reproductive medicine and the Society
The recipient will be selected by the Executive Committee. The recipient will be recognized as the Suheil J. Muasher, MD, Distinguished Service Awardee by presentation of a plaque at the ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo. In addition, the recipient will be provided with free registration for the ASRM Scientific Congress, airfare/travel expenses up to $500, and up to $800 for two days hotel accommodations in the ASRM hotel room block, meals and ground transportation.
Congratulations to the 2024 Suheil J. Muasher, MD Distinguished Service Award Recipient
James P Toner, MD, PhD
Dr Jim Toner trained at the Jones Institute in the late 1980s and is now Professor at Emory Reproductive Center. In addition to his research contributions regarding ovarian reserve and luteal support, he has been heavily invovled with both SART and ASRM for nearly 30 years. He initially served on the Registry Committee where he lead the efforts to enhance data collection and reporting, and is even now involved with upgrading the Clinic Specific Report and the Patient Predictor. He has appointed and chaired the Informed Consent Committee since its inception in 2007. He developed and maintained the Infographics on the SART website since 2014. In 2012, he was elected to the SART’s Presidential Chain. And since 2018 has served as SART’s liaison to the CDC. He has also been a Board member and Treasurer for ASRM from 2014 through 2023. Outside of these roles, he has written three seminal papers in Fertility and Sterility documenting the progress in our field from its inception. Most recently, he wrote a paper on the 25 year endeavor to vanquish multiple pregnancies in the US.
Previous recipients of the Suheil J. Muasher, MD, Distinguished Service Award:
2024 James P Toner, MD, PhD2023 Lee Rubin Collins, JD
2022 The ASRM COVID-19 Task Force
2021 Andrea Braverman, PhD
2020 Kevin Doody, MD
2019 Edward E. Wallach, MD
2018 Louis V. Depaolo, PhD and The Fertility And Infertility Branch of The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
2017 Barry S. Verkauf, MD, MBA
2016 G. David Adamson, MD
2015 Judy E. Stern, PhD
2014 Barbara L. Collura, MA
2013 Judith F. Daar, JD
2012 Eli Reshef, MD
2011 Alan H. DeCherney, MD
2010 David N. Curole, MD, John T. Queenan, MD
2009 Roger Kempers, MD, MS, Kamran Moghissi, MD
2008 Paul G. McDonough, MD, Miriam B. Rosenthal, MD
2007 John A. Robertson, JD, Duane Alexander, MD
2006 Jacob M. Mayer, Jr, PhD, David I. Hoffman, MD
2005 Lee Lee Doyle, PhD, Marguerite K. Shepard, MD
2004 Stuart S. Howards, MD
2003 Andrew E. Good, MD, Florence P. Haseltine, PhD, MD
2002 Richard D. Amelar, MD, Lawrence Dubin, MD
2001 George A. Hill, MD
2000 Ronald Linhardt, MD, Donna Vogel, MD, PhD
Endowed Awards

Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism In Medicine Award For Practicing Physicians
The Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award recognizes an ASRM member who, as a practicing physician, has exemplified compassionate and respectful care for patients' physical and emotional well-being.
ASRM Distinguished Researcher Award
This award acknowledges a member who made significant clinical or basic research contributions to reproduction published in the past 10 years, with a long-term commitment to advancing research in reproductive sciences and educating future scholars in the field.
ASRM Lifetime Achievement Award
This award honors a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine who has made exemplary contributions to the field of reproduction during their career. The recipient will have demonstrated innovation, leadership, and other scholarly accomplishments that have a lasting impact on advancing clinical care, the frontiers of research in reproductive sciences, and the education of the scientific community.
Carlos Simón Excellence in Translational Research Award
The Carlos Simón Excellence in Translational Research Award honors an individual who has demonstrated originality and creativity through discovery and made a substantial contribution to the field of Reproductive Medicine resulting in changes or improved clinical practice.

Ira And Ester Rosenwaks New Investigator Award
This award recognizes exceptional clinical/basic research contributions in reproductive sciences published within 10 years post residency/postdoc/fellowship. It requires original, independent and impactful research contributions, considering conceptual breakthroughs, impact on allied fields, and development of new methodologies.