Guiding the Field:
ASRM’s Strategic Roadmap for Advancing Reproductive Medicine
ASRM Strategic Plan 2025-2030
Scroll this page to view highlights from the plan and a video from ASRM CEO Dr. Jared Robins. To view the full plan in our flipbook, please click the link below.
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Advocacy & Impact
Develop policy initiatives to improve access to care, promote reproductive justice, reduce health disparities, and protect the practice of medicine from political interference.Objectives:
- Enhance advocacy training programs for members.
- Establish the ASRM Center for Policy and Leadership as the primary source of reproductive medical expertise for policymakers, media, and other stakeholders.
- Eliminate barriers to equitable reproductive care.
- Lead collaborative efforts to promote reproductive health.
- Advocate for the practice of reproductive medicine and reproductive endocrinologists and urologists.

Workforce Development & Career Advancement
Engage and develop reproductive medicine professionals through training,mentorship, and collaboration.
- Support initiatives to increase the complement of Reproductive Endocrinologists and Urologists.
- Create and support efforts to increase the number of allied health professionals entering the field.
- Promote educational opportunities for early engagement and career growth in reproductive medicine.
- Build educational and networking opportunities for physicians and allied health professionals/communities.
- Cultivate leaders in all aspects of reproductive medicine.

Governance & Organizational Effectiveness
Promote effective governance and meet member needs in a fiscally responsible manner.Objectives:
- Governance and Organizational Effectiveness.
- Develop new revenue streams.
- Collect comprehensive member demographics.
- Ensure board structure is accessible, diverse, and reflects the organizational vision.
- Adapt staffing and infrastructure needs to meet organizational growth goals.
Learn More About ASRM
Find out more about the American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Mission, Vision, and Values
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of reproductive medicine.
Strategic Initiatives
ASRM has accomplished several strategic initiatives to advance the science and practice of reproductive medicine through education, research, advocacy, and public awareness.
Board of Directors
The ASRM Board of Directors is committed to advancing the reproductive medicine field and providing patients with high-quality care. The Board works tirelessly to ensure that the organization is meeting the needs of its members and the public.
History of ASRM
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is the leading organization worldwide dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of reproductive medicine.