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Resident Education at ASRM Academy

Resident education through ASRM Academy provides opportunities for learning anytime. The 17 online activities offered were developed by experts in the field. These activities have been designed to meet the educational needs of resident physicians in obstetrics and gynecology and other related specialties.


After clicking the blue button below, you will be taken to the Find A Course page. You will need to select the CREOG option in the filter for "Credits".


Click this button to view the courses:


Modules include:

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding  |  Adolescent Gynecology  |  Amenorrhea  |  Assisted Reproductive Technology  |  Delayed Puberty Developmental  |  Disorders of the Urogenital Tract  |  Dysmenorrhea  |  Evaluation of the Climacteric  |  Galactorrhea/Hyperprolactinemia  |  Hirsutism  |  Infertility Evaluation  |  Management of the Climacteric Period  |  Pediatric Gynecology  |  Polycystic Ovary Syndrome  |  Precocious Puberty  |  Premenstrual Syndrome/Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder  |  Recurrent Pregnancy Loss