The Embryology Certificate Course provides a common knowledge set appropriate for the broad range of health care professionals involved in the treatment of the infertile couple that proceeds to ART, provides training in the assessment of parameters of gametes and embryos, laboratory technologies, and laboratory management as well as assists embryologists in identifying strategies for improving the IVF laboratory.
The Embryology Certificate Course consists of 43 modules under five learning categories, which include:
The Embryology Certificate Course consists of 43 modules under five learning categories, which include:
- Reproductive Biology
- DNA, Chromosomes and Genetic Testing
- Assisted Reproductive Technology Procedures – Basic
- Assisted Reproductive Technology Procedures – Advanced
- Laboratory Management
Program Information
ASRM Member: $599
Nonmember: $799
Nonmember: $799
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Target Learner:
This activity is designed to meet the educational needs of new and experienced clinicians, laboratory scientists and allied health professionals with an interest in ART laboratory technologies for the evaluation and treatment of the infertile couple.
2.75 ABB PEER Credits27.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(TM)
0.00 Certificate of Completion
27.50 Non-physician CME Credits
Credit Designation Statement:
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine designates this enduring material for a maximum of 27.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.The American Society for Reproductive Medicine has been approved to provide Professional Enrichment Education Renewal (PEER) credit through the American Board of Bioanalysis. This activity has been approved for 27.5 PEER Credits through the American Board of Bioanalysis.
Estimated Time to Complete Activity:
27.5 hoursREGISTER NOW!
Education for Laboratory Professionals

Andrology Certificate Course
The Andrology Certificate Course provides a common knowledge set appropriate for the broad range of health care professionals involved in the treatment of the infertile male, provides training in the assessment of parameters of male reproductive function, and assists clinicians in identifying strategies for the treatment of male infertility.