May 2, 2023 Update
On April 27, the Governor signed into law protections for those who seek abortion and gender-affirming care.
April 10, 2023 Update
On April 3, the Minnesota Court of Appeals rejected an attempt to reinstate abortion restrictions that a judge determined last year was unconstitutional. A county prosecutor sought to appeal a judge’s decision last year throwing out most of the state’s abortion restrictions (including a 24-hour waiting period and a parental notification requirement) as unconstitutional.
March 2023 Report
Measures to protect reproductive care
Early this year, lawmakers in Minnesota - where the courts have upheld abortion as a constitutional right - statutorily codified that right (Governor Walz signed the PRO Act https://www.startribune.com/gov-tim-walz-to-sign-law-to-strengthen-abortion-rights-in-minnesota/600247932/ on January 31, 2023.).