Increase your understanding of reproductive medicine and the surrounding legal issues.
Joining ASRM provides legal professionals with networking opportunities and access to resources, including LPG membership, discounts, and the latest science, as well as an extensive library of practice guidelines and ethics committee opinion documents.
Scroll down to view ASRM’s resources, events, and opportunities to get involved.
ASRM and the Legal Professional Group (LPG) work collaboratively with ASRM members to raise awareness of, and to clarify the legal issues surrounding, assisted reproductive technologies (ART). LPG provides ongoing education to attorneys by engaging with ASRM’s other professional groups to achieve a holistic understanding of the medical, genetic and psychological aspects of this field and fostering relationships between LPG members and ART physicians as well as other ART providers. LPG also provides legal education within ASRM to promote best policies, practices, and legal protections for our allied professionals. Through advocacy and education, the LPG strives to enhance and contribute to the development of sound law and ethical legal practice in this evolving field.
Reach your career potential and join the community advancing reproductive medicine!

Ethics Opinions
Ethics Committee Reports are drafted by the members of the ASRM Ethics Committee on the tough ethical dilemmas of reproductive medicine.

Use of preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic adult-onset conditions: an Ethics Committee opinion (2024)
Preimplantation genetic testing for adult-onset monogenic diseases is ethically allowed when fully penetrant or conferring disease predisposition.
Family members as gamete donors or gestational carriers: an Ethics Committee opinion (2024)
The use of adult intrafamilial gamete donors and gestational surrogates is ethically acceptable when all participants are fully informed and counseled.
Planned oocyte cryopreservation to preserve future reproductive potential: an Ethics Committee opinion (2023)
Planned oocyte cryopreservation is an ethically permissible procedure that may help individuals avoid future infertility.
Ethical obligations in fertility treatment when intimate partners withhold information from each other: an Ethics Committee opinion (2024)
Clinicians should encourage disclosure between intimate partners but should maintain confidentiality where there is no harm to the partner and/or offspring.Learn More About ASRM
Find out more about the American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Mission, Vision, and Values
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of reproductive medicine.
Strategic Initiatives
ASRM has accomplished several strategic initiatives to advance the science and practice of reproductive medicine through education, research, advocacy, and public awareness.
Board of Directors
The ASRM Board of Directors is committed to advancing the reproductive medicine field and providing patients with high-quality care. The Board works tirelessly to ensure that the organization is meeting the needs of its members and the public.
History of ASRM
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is the leading organization worldwide dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of reproductive medicine.
"My ASRM membership has been instrumental to my assisted reproductive technology law practice by providing me with the ability to learn from and work with physicians, mental health professionals and other providers specializing in the collaborative field of family building."