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Opposition Rebuttal

Likely points to rebut:

This will cost so much, will add to deficit, will blow the budget 
Yes, providing health care does cost money. However, as we have seen in the states that have added infertility benefits and the growing number of employers doing the same, these benefits do not lead to dramatically higher costs. Health insurance exists to provide care for those who need it. This should include reproductive care. 

This bill will force religious employers to provide IVF  
There are existing protections for religious employers. Nothing in this bill changes them. 

This will have the federal government paying for creation then the destruction of embryos 
The handling and use of reproductive tissues, sperm eggs, and embryos, is an essential part of modern fertility care. How those tissues are used should be decided not by politicians but by patients after they receive the advice of their physicians. 

This bill will promote 3 parent embryos 
FDA already has a robust system of oversight of new medical techniques like this. Nothing in this legislation would weaken those protections. 

This will promote human-animal chimeras 
FDA already has a robust system of oversight of new medical techniques like this. Nothing in this legislation would weaken those protections. 

This bill will promote unregulated, unethical medicine 
IVF is already among the most regulated of all medical procedures. Nothing in this legislation undoes any of those regulations. 

Cruz Britt bill is better it just protects IVF 
The Cruz Britt bill only protects against the most extreme action, a complete statutory ban on IVF. 

That is not the real threat. This legislation would not only protect against that, but it would provide protections against the more realistic restrictions being proposed, which would make safe, effective, efficient IVF impossible to provide. 

The enforcement mechanism proposed by the Senator from Texas is unconscionable. To deny Medicaid funding to the people of a state who so desperately need it because their legislators wish to ban access to IVF is a cruel and unusual punishment. 

IVF was not banned in AL, so we don’t need a bill protecting IVF. 
This is exactly why we need this bill. The Cruz Britt bill would not protect against the kind of nonsensical deceptions we saw in Alabama. 

Should be handled at the state level.  
Your zip code should not determine your ability to have children. All Americans deserve access to IVF.