Advocacy in Action
Fight legislation that will impede patient care.
ASRM’s Advocacy in Action Fund is a dedicated funding stream for advocacy and policy work. Gifts to this fund allow ASRM to educate legislators, provide legal analysis of bills and legislation, and provide ASRM members with the most current updates about relevant issues. Donations to this fund also allow us to fight legislation that would restrict access to reproductive care and fertility care.
By donating to the Advocacy in Action Fund, you are joining ASRM in this very important work! Please give today.
ASRM is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All gifts are tax-deductible.
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By donating to the Advocacy in Action Fund, you are joining ASRM in this very important work! Please give today.
ASRM is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All gifts are tax-deductible.
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What Your Donation Will Do
The future of reproductive and fertility care is at a pivotal point. The Alabama Supreme Court’s LePage decision, ruling that in vitro fertilized eggs are the legal equivalent of children, shone a spotlight on the risk of political interference in our field.
As many as 10 states, including Florida, Nevada, Arizona, and Missouri, will have reproductive rights ballot measures before the voters. ASRM intends to address these important measures:
Now that so many Americans are newly focused on protecting IVF, we need to act quickly to add ASRM member expertise to the national discourse.
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As many as 10 states, including Florida, Nevada, Arizona, and Missouri, will have reproductive rights ballot measures before the voters. ASRM intends to address these important measures:
- Buying advertising spots in key states
- Hiring state lobbyists
- Issuing Action Alerts so you can send the right messages to your state representatives
Now that so many Americans are newly focused on protecting IVF, we need to act quickly to add ASRM member expertise to the national discourse.
Will you make a donation?
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Take Action
The future of reproductive and fertility care is at a pivotal point. As many as 10 states, including Florida, Nevada, Arizona, and Missouri, will have reproductive rights ballot measures before the voters.
Click here to view an important message from ASRM Chief Advocacy and Policy Officer Sean Tipton about the fight to protect IVF and reproductive rights.
Click here to view an important message from ASRM Chief Advocacy and Policy Officer Sean Tipton about the fight to protect IVF and reproductive rights.