Does the number of eggs being frozen matter?
There is currently only one CPT code for the cryopreservation of mature oocytes and embryos. We do not charge an additional fee when freezing a large number of embryos/eggs. It is unfair to patients who only freeze a small number of embryos (or eggs) to pay the same cryopreservation fee as those who freeze a large number of embryos/eggs. Furthermore, our embryologists need to spend more time and cryo-supplies for freezing, and use more tank space for storage. What you would propose to be the cutoff for the number of eggs /embryos frozen, and what additional cost might be appropriate when a larger number of eggs/embryos are available for freezing (i.e. two separate CPT codes based on the number of eggs/embryos to freeze)? In the past, we have already established cost brackets for ICSI (less than or equal to 10 and greater than 10) and embryo biopsy (less than or equal to 5 and greater than 5).
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